Inspiration for plant-based eating and healing

Tag: vegan weight loss story

Frustrated With Fibroids, Woman Taps Into Plant-Based Diet For Relief and Finds So Much More

Frustrated With Fibroids, Woman Taps Into Plant-Based Diet For Relief and Finds So Much More

Nina Brewton suffered from high blood pressure and major feminine health issues until she finally listened to the tugging at her heart urging her to change her lifestyle. Within the first six months of transitioning to a plant-based diet she lost over 40 pounds and felt a dramatic healing taking place in her body, her mind and even her spirit.

Colorado Man Drops 120 Pounds, Gains Momentum To Run After Goals With Plant-Based Diet

Colorado Man Drops 120 Pounds, Gains Momentum To Run After Goals With Plant-Based Diet

Today we are talking to a man who gained the energy and confidence to run after his dreams and tackle his goals after losing over 100 pounds. Ryan Van Vugt says the momentum began after he switched to a plant-based vegan diet. Now he’s a plant-powered ultra runner, yoga teacher and author who is passionate about living an authentic life.