Inspiration for plant-based eating and healing

A Few Quick Tips To Spice Up Your Plant-Based Life

Image credit: Heather Mckean

One of the biggest questions you hear is: does plant-based food taste good?  And some people may even fear going plant-based because they think they may not enjoy food as much.  But nothing can be further from reality.  In today’s show we will be talking about how your palate actually expands with plant-based foods.  We will share some of our essential seasonings, and tell you about one of our favorite guides, which has been a real game changer when it comes to preparing foods.


  • Hear about all the basic spices we love to have in our pantry.
  • Get our tips for shopping for the best spices and saving money in the process.
  • Find out why it’s so important to read the ingredients on your spices before buying them.
  • Hear all about a guide you can use to start creating your own recipes.

You can listen to the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, Stitcher Podcasts  or  TuneIn.


We buy spices that we use often on or on  You can find coupons on their site to save extra money.

Click here to get more information about The Vegetarian Flavor Bible.

Here is a resource you can use for ideas and inspiration in making your own seasoning blends at home. Be sure to read the reviews before trying any of the blends.


We would love to hear from you! Do you, or someone you know, have a testimony of how a plant-based diet has changed your life?  Please get in touch with us here.  To keep up with us and our updates please follow us on Instagram @plantschangedmylife and on Facebook @plantschangedmylife.

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