Inspiration for plant-based eating and healing

Yoga Teacher Finds New Energy & Purpose-Filled Bliss In Vegan Lifestyle

Photo Courtesy of Melissa Rios

Today we are talking to a New York yoga teacher who is joyfully living her best life after tapping into the power of a plant-based lifestyle. Melissa Rios says the simple act of changing her diet pushed a wave of positive transformation in motion. She has found more energy, lightness and gained expanded consciousness. Now she has embraced a plastic-free, minimalist and sustainable lifestyle and is passionate about showing others how they can do the same.


  • Hear how she ended her long struggle with acne and healed her skin by making changes to her diet.
  • Find out how eliminating animal products created a huge energy shift, not just in herself, but her entire apartment.
  • Learn why she likes to shop at farmers markets and get her insight on saving money on your grocery bill.
  • Get her tips on making the transition to a plant-based lifestyle and successfully sticking with the process.
  • See how she got started fulfilling her dreams and living out her most authentic life as a vegan minimalist, sustainable and plastic-free citizen of the world.
  • Check out our pantry makeover segment where we’re giving you insight on how to stock up your pantry during pandemics and other times of emergency.

You can listen to the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or TuneIn.

Visit @FlowerMoonMeli on IG


Learn more about Melissa by visiting her website. (You can use Google to translate.) You can also follow her on Instagram and connect with her on Facebook and on Pinterest. Click here to visit her on YouTube.

Check out Cowspiracy and Forks Over Knives on Netflix and discover other great plant-based documentaries there.

Find out more about activist James Espy on YouTube and on Instagram.

Get more information about the Happy Pear by visiting their website.

Click here to read the study about the role a plant-based diet plays in treating and preventing asthma.

Learn how to cook outdoors using simple tools.

Find out where to buy Eden canned goods.


We would love to hear from you! Do you, or someone you know, have a testimony of how a plant-based diet has changed your life?  Please get in touch with us here.  To keep up with us and our updates please follow us on Instagram @plantschangedmylife and on Facebook @plantschangedmylife.

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